Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Ultimate Spider-man: The Clone Saga

It's been almost eight years since the 'Ultimate' Marvel Universe was created, and over the years only one series has proven to be worthy of reading. That series of course belongs to Marvels strongest character in Spider-man. "the Clone Saga" features issues #97-105 of Ultimate Spider-man, and the arc itself changed comic book history.

The storyline of this arc was some of the best that the series has to offer. This arc features a crucial moment in the Spider-man series when Peter Parker finally admits to Aunt May that he's spider-man. The scene was handled perfect by the creators, Brian Bendis and Mark Bagley. The storyline deals with five clones of Peter Parker who broke out of the lab in which they were created. This is one of the most exciting stories i've read this year because you simply don't know what's going to happen. Peter Parker struggles throughout the arc to keep Mary-Jane safe, to help Aunt May, and to bring down the men who cloned his identity without his knowledge. This arc also features Ultimate Carnage, Nick Fury, The Fantastic Four, and a surprise villain.

Rating: 9.6/10

Like I said earlier, this arc changed history. This arc set the record for the longest running series that a writer and artist have worked together. In todays industry, it's pretty common for a writer or an artist to drop a book after 12-20 issues, but not Ultimate Spider-man. Writer Brian Bendis and Mark Bagley have written and drawn 110 issues together, (although this arc only features up to 105) making them the most productive duo in comics of all time. Congrats are definitly in order as these two have accomplished something that hasn't been done since Stan Lee and Jack Kirby did it almost 40 years ago with the original Fantastic Four comics.