Ever heard of Parker Robbins, AKA The Hood? If you haven't, then look him up. He's the name on the tip of everyones tongue in the Marvel Universe, and he's quite possibly the best new idea to come out of comics in years. The Hood is a normal man who, through some stroke of luck, discovers a mysterious robe and a pair of boots that give him super powers. The boots allow him to walk on air, and the robe has the power to make him invisible when he holds his breath. The robe does more than that however, Parker Robbins simply just doesn't know all of his own power yet. And this is the charm to the character. He's not superman, he can be killed. He can be hurt and he can be beat, but he never loses. At least not yet. He's just a normal guy, making it up as he goes along, so he's easy to relate to.
The New Avengers arc has pretty much become the Hoods playground, as it's shown the Hoods rise to power in New York City. With the Kingpin kicked out of the country (Thanks to Daredevil) the underground of New York City is up for grabs. This arc shows Parker Robbins claiming it for his own. The past two issues have had the Hood as almost a subplot to other storylines, but in this issue the Hood is numeral uno. Almost all the action somehow ties into him. Writer Brian Bendis has done a great job not only continuing off of Brian K. Vaughns character but even making him better.
There's nothing better in comics than a well done diabolical villain. Now, if only he and Daredevil could go at it someday...
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