What the hell is going on here? Aunt May got shot 8 months ago at the end of Spider-mans Civil War arc. Watching Peter Parker on the brink of insanity fighting for his Aunt's life isn't a bad idea, and it wasn't throughout the "Back in Black" arc. But "One More Day" is a new arc peddling the same story. Artist/Marvel Editor Joe Quesada (Who simply has no business drawing Spider-man, at least in my opinion) has promised, or at least hinted at, some very big changes coming to Peter Parkers life through this arc. Changes such as MJ and Parker getting divorced, or seperating. Changes like Aunt May possibly dieing. The only problem? Most of this is the same drama Spidey fans have been reading for the past 8 months. Quesada seems to have a vendetta against the Parker marraige because he's been very honest about his belief that it only hurts Spider-man as a character. Something a lot of fans would disagree with.
"One More Day" was built up to be one of the biggest Spidey stories told in years, but so far its just been boring and melodramatic. Parker will do anything to save aunt May, got it. He's pissed off and on the edge, got it. Comic book readers aren't stupid, but writer J. Micheal Stracynski is treating us like we are. He's now beaten us over the head with the same themes and story for almost a year.
The absolute worst part about "One more day" is the fear that Quesada and JMS might go through with some of there changes. Parkers marraige doesn't have to end, Aunt May's death would just be pointless, and finally, nobody actually cares if Parkers willing to kill or not.
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